
Read up on the latest insights from President Jim Harden and the CompassCare team.
December 7, 2022

Save More Lives by Reducing Time to Nurse

A recent study of CompassCare patient data shows an inverse correlation between time to nurse…
Medical Equipment
March 28, 2018

Should Your Center Use Pulse Doppler?

There has been a lot of confusion and even some controversy surrounding the use of…
Abortion-Minded Women
July 24, 2014

How Do You Reach the Abortion-Minded Woman?

Most pregnancy centers have a limited marketing budget. Meaning, they don't have enough money to…
Abortion-Minded Women
June 23, 2014

How Many Abortion-Minded Women Should Your PRC Be Serving?

Pregnancy Centers are in business for one reason: To erase a woman's perceived need for…
Abortion Reversal
April 1, 2014

Is it Possible to Reverse an Abortion?

Is it possible to reverse an abortion? Medical abortion by pill, also known as RU-486,…
PRC Code of Conduct
March 28, 2014

PRC Code of Conduct

Recently, over 200 medical pregnancy centers have done what Planned Parenthood could never do; commit…